Just been cooking briam, which has become one of my staples since a cooking evening class in Crete a few years back. I love cooking, even just for myself, although so much better when there’s company. I also cooked some lamb and green beans.
The quote from Fleetwood Mac was from Go Your Own Way –
If I could
Maybe I’d give you my world
How can I
When you won’t take it from me
(Long pause as I think how to follow that). I think that the cynical naffness I stupidly ascribed to those lines before is because the intensity of the feelings are so much in the moment. I remember when I was 28, living in Shepherd Bush, working as an SHO in Barnet, and being left by someone I really cared for. I had a blue MGB GT and I cried so much in that car, driving backwards and forwards to work. Every song on the radio was about breaking up, it seemed that that was what so many songs were about.
Interesting the word maybe, “Maybe I’d give you my world”. Hedging bets. Is living really about hedging bets?